Friday, December 12, 2008

Volunteers in Service to America

There are tons of volunteers all across the world but, there is nothing like Volunteers in Service to America. VISTAs fight poverty with a passion. Not only do they fight poverty with a passion they also receive a living allowance that is set at the rate based on poverty income so they have a definite understanding of what poverty really is. It takes a person with passion and heart to choose to live in poverty in order to fight for a cause.

Before VISTAS could actually start volunteering at their chosen organizations they had to go through three day training in Chicago, Illinois. While at the training a question was proposed, “what is poverty?” Though many different definitions and views were expressed the most common definition that came up was “a lack of”. According to the dictionary lack means deficiency or absence of something needed, desirable, or customary. This in fact could mean a lack of anything.

VIP Mentoring provides mentors for children who are lacking in certain areas. Those areas may be parenting, family, academics, and or more. Two new VISTAs, Christol Mack and Glennisha Morgan are geared up and ready to serve. Their dedication and passion for serving their community will be beneficial to allocating the goals of VIP Mentoring.

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